Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Blog Assignment 7

The Networked Student

Wendy Drixler did a wonderful job with this video. I found it to be a very clever approach to making a video. It was relatively simple but straight to the point and very informative. The networked student does not learn in the typical classroom setting. Much of their learning is done independent of the teacher. This gives the student the opportunity and important responsibility of learning and finding information on their own. The students' online classroom, so to speak, allows them to build connections with other students and educators from all over. I think this is a wonderful thing because instead of just getting information from a textbook or one teacher, they are able to gain perspectives and knowledge from many different points of view. A teacher can teach a student all they know on a subject but no teacher has all the answers.
Wendy Drixler asks whether or not a teacher is needed for the networked student. I think a teacher is definitely still needed. The teacher is the one that teaches the student how to build connections,ask appropriate questions,distinguish between reliable and unreliable information, organize their findings, and to be a helping hand when the student is having trouble. Teachers are there to educate the student in many different ways. I think that to be a teacher of a networked student, you must be willing to give up some control but also know that you are still very much needed. At the end of the day, teachers are there to help the student succeed no matter what methods are used. Teachers are preparing their students for the future.

computer teaching a class

A 7th Grader's Personal Learning Environment (PLE)

In this video, I was able to see firsthand how technology is being used in the classroom. Although she is only in 7th grade, this young girl is able to do more on a computer than most adults. Her PLE (Personal Learning Environment) allows her to organize her social media and networking sites so everything is laid out and available to her on one screen so she can easily access things. She explains that she enjoys having the freedom yet responsibility to learn and do assignments in different ways. Though she is given more freedom, the teacher is still a vital part of her technological journey. The teacher is there to guide her and help her use social media and networking in combination with traditional teaching methods. The teacher needs to provide the lesson plan and can then include the use of technology to go along with it. I am slowly building my PLN (Personal Learning Network) and am seeing the benefits it offers. In EDM 310 we are building an online portfolio of our work, thoughts, and other important information that will allow others to see a part of who we are and what we are capable of as future teachers and as individuals. I found this article that describes a PLE, the benefits it offers, and how to create one. Check it out! What is A Personal Learning Environment?

Personal Learning Environment


  1. "I think that to be a teacher of a networked student, you must be willing to give up some control but also know that you are still very much needed. " Correct.

    Thoughtful Well done.

  2. You are right the networked student does not learn in the typical classroom setting. yes your rightit is a wonderful thing because instead of just getting information from a textbook or one teacher, they are able to gain perspectives and knowledge from many different points of view. I think to become the teacher of a networked student both the teacher and student must have self discipline.
